Welcome to Fletcher Class

We are the class teachers, Mrs Whittle and Mrs Lodge. We love teaching Year 3. We are excited for an amazing year filled with lots of fun topics and learning opportunities. It will be a year of Egyptians, the Stone age and much much more! This year we have named our class after the Author Tom Fletcher. He has written some great books such as The ChristmaSaurus and The Danger Gang. In our class, we also have Miss Shiel. She is brilliant and will be on hand to support us in the class.Keep checking what we have been up to!



Fletcher Summer 2024

Year 3 Get Active Day

Year 3 had a great morning today at the Shelley Pyramid Year 3 Get Active Day. After an initial hiccup waiting for a replacement coach the children arrived just in time to start the activities. There were lots of sports for the children to try - tennis, cricket, handball, golf, rugby and archery. At the end of the morning there were lots of red faces from all the activities the children had enjoyed.
It's always great to join in with Shelley Pyramid sports events. The children get to meet lots of new friends from other schools and sometimes we even get chance to meet up with some of our old students.
Thank you, as always, to Shelley College, Mr Morris and all the young Sports Leaders for helping, guiding and assisting our children.

River Trip

Year 3 enjoyed a fantastic afternoon looking at what is living in the River Dearne with the help of the Eco parish and the River helpers. We discovered different creatures such as the Olive, Mayfly, Shrimp and Fish to name a few and then we used magnifying glasses to look closely at their features and characteristics. We also discussed biodiversity and pollution in water, then the creatures they find can show how polluted the water is. 

Topic Writing

Year 3 have begun their latest writing topic all about the story of Theseus and the Minotaur. Last week explored the plot and used drama to tell the story. We definitely discovered some future actors and actresses in our class.

Letter Writing

Over the last few weeks, Fletcher class have been learning about letters. We have written our own letters based around the book “The Gardener”.


Year 3 have been learning all about orienteering in our PE sessions this half term. We’ve had to interpret maps and find the correct routes.


Storytelling through Art

In Year 3 we are using Art to tell stories. We have focussed on the work of illustrator Quentin Blake. We’ve loved developing our ideas using in his style. Can you tell which Dahl story we are trying to tell?


School Trip - Manchester Museum

Year 3 have had a fantastic day visiting the Manchester museum. We loved exploring everything on show in the museum and even got to handle some real ancient Egyptian artefacts in our workshop.  The class were excellent representatives of our school! Mrs Lodge and Mrs Whittle were very proud of them.


Stone age
During our stone age topic, Year 3 created carvings out of soap of pictures, animals and other stone age related to the topic. Children found it a challenge and had to adapt their ideas. 
Year 3 - Science - How plants grow
Year 3 have loved learning about the process involved in growing plants. The children planted their own bean seeds, some of the children had fantastic results at the end of the experiment. 
We also investigated how nutrients are transported within the plant.
Children in Year 3 have been learning about the countries in Europe. To increase our knowledge children went on a fact hunt finding out answers to various European countries based questions. The children loved to go hunting!

Fletcher Spring 2024

Create and Design Day 13.03.2024 - Today Year 3 took part in an exciting project with the Royal Opera House.Using a design brief we designed and created our own set designs around the story of “The Magic Flute”


We learnt all about the role of a set designer and how to work at a smaller scale. We absolutely loved getting creative.

Year 3 zoomed straight into the Royal Opera house in Covent Garden for an online session all about Opera just before half term.  After half term we have an exciting projects all about set design… we can’t wait.


Year 3 have been exploring their new writing unit all about the story Stone Age Boy. Today we have been working on how we can create an exciting story opener using precise verbs and interesting vocabulary.


Fletcher Autumn 2023

Times Tables

Year 3 are working hard on their times tables this half term. For our homework we designed posters to help us to recall our facts! They looked great.

Fluency Projects

This week Year 3 have started a fluency project in our reading sessions. We have loved evaluating and supporting each other to make our reading better. Tomorrow we will perform our texts for each other.

Back to School

We are already getting through lots of work at Scissett even though we are only in Week 2.  Last week Fletcher class were busy representing and partitioning numbers in Maths and in English they have been exploring the poem 'The Sound Collector'.  They are now planning their own poems called 'The Colour collection' and have been exploring the school grounds finding different colours to inspire their work.  


Bills New Frock

Year 3 have had a great start to the year. They have been busy exploring the book “Bills New Frock” and have loved creating poetry and traditional tales so far. In Maths we have worked on place value, addition and subtraction. We have also done some preparation for a class assembly that we cannot wait to share with everyone.

Year 3 Art Lessons

Year 3 have been exploring textile artists in our art lessons. Over the last few weeks we’ve developed our own designs to paint onto fabric. Next we are going to add stitching for effect.

Class Letters

Reading at Scissett in Year 3.pdf Download
Y3 Autumn Newsletter Download
Y3 Spring Newsletter Download
Y3 Summer Newsletter Download
Parent Presentation Sept 2023 Download
Y3 School Trip April 2024 Download
Y3 Get Active Day June 2024 Download

Welcome to Fletcher Class

We are the class teachers, Mrs Whittle and Mrs Lodge. We love teaching Year 3. We are excited for an amazing year filled with lots of fun topics and learning opportunities. It will be a year of Egyptians, the Stone age and much much more! This year we have named our class after the Author Tom Fletcher. He has written some great books such as The ChristmaSaurus and The Danger Gang. In our class, we also have Miss Shiel. She is brilliant and will be on hand to support us in the class.Keep checking what we have been up to!



Fletcher Summer 2024

Year 3 Get Active Day

Year 3 had a great morning today at the Shelley Pyramid Year 3 Get Active Day. After an initial hiccup waiting for a replacement coach the children arrived just in time to start the activities. There were lots of sports for the children to try - tennis, cricket, handball, golf, rugby and archery. At the end of the morning there were lots of red faces from all the activities the children had enjoyed.
It's always great to join in with Shelley Pyramid sports events. The children get to meet lots of new friends from other schools and sometimes we even get chance to meet up with some of our old students.
Thank you, as always, to Shelley College, Mr Morris and all the young Sports Leaders for helping, guiding and assisting our children.

River Trip

Year 3 enjoyed a fantastic afternoon looking at what is living in the River Dearne with the help of the Eco parish and the River helpers. We discovered different creatures such as the Olive, Mayfly, Shrimp and Fish to name a few and then we used magnifying glasses to look closely at their features and characteristics. We also discussed biodiversity and pollution in water, then the creatures they find can show how polluted the water is. 

Topic Writing

Year 3 have begun their latest writing topic all about the story of Theseus and the Minotaur. Last week explored the plot and used drama to tell the story. We definitely discovered some future actors and actresses in our class.

Letter Writing

Over the last few weeks, Fletcher class have been learning about letters. We have written our own letters based around the book “The Gardener”.


Year 3 have been learning all about orienteering in our PE sessions this half term. We’ve had to interpret maps and find the correct routes.


Storytelling through Art

In Year 3 we are using Art to tell stories. We have focussed on the work of illustrator Quentin Blake. We’ve loved developing our ideas using in his style. Can you tell which Dahl story we are trying to tell?


School Trip - Manchester Museum

Year 3 have had a fantastic day visiting the Manchester museum. We loved exploring everything on show in the museum and even got to handle some real ancient Egyptian artefacts in our workshop.  The class were excellent representatives of our school! Mrs Lodge and Mrs Whittle were very proud of them.


Stone age
During our stone age topic, Year 3 created carvings out of soap of pictures, animals and other stone age related to the topic. Children found it a challenge and had to adapt their ideas. 
Year 3 - Science - How plants grow
Year 3 have loved learning about the process involved in growing plants. The children planted their own bean seeds, some of the children had fantastic results at the end of the experiment. 
We also investigated how nutrients are transported within the plant.
Children in Year 3 have been learning about the countries in Europe. To increase our knowledge children went on a fact hunt finding out answers to various European countries based questions. The children loved to go hunting!

Fletcher Spring 2024

Create and Design Day 13.03.2024 - Today Year 3 took part in an exciting project with the Royal Opera House.Using a design brief we designed and created our own set designs around the story of “The Magic Flute”


We learnt all about the role of a set designer and how to work at a smaller scale. We absolutely loved getting creative.

Year 3 zoomed straight into the Royal Opera house in Covent Garden for an online session all about Opera just before half term.  After half term we have an exciting projects all about set design… we can’t wait.


Year 3 have been exploring their new writing unit all about the story Stone Age Boy. Today we have been working on how we can create an exciting story opener using precise verbs and interesting vocabulary.


Fletcher Autumn 2023

Times Tables

Year 3 are working hard on their times tables this half term. For our homework we designed posters to help us to recall our facts! They looked great.

Fluency Projects

This week Year 3 have started a fluency project in our reading sessions. We have loved evaluating and supporting each other to make our reading better. Tomorrow we will perform our texts for each other.

Back to School

We are already getting through lots of work at Scissett even though we are only in Week 2.  Last week Fletcher class were busy representing and partitioning numbers in Maths and in English they have been exploring the poem 'The Sound Collector'.  They are now planning their own poems called 'The Colour collection' and have been exploring the school grounds finding different colours to inspire their work.  


Bills New Frock

Year 3 have had a great start to the year. They have been busy exploring the book “Bills New Frock” and have loved creating poetry and traditional tales so far. In Maths we have worked on place value, addition and subtraction. We have also done some preparation for a class assembly that we cannot wait to share with everyone.

Year 3 Art Lessons

Year 3 have been exploring textile artists in our art lessons. Over the last few weeks we’ve developed our own designs to paint onto fabric. Next we are going to add stitching for effect.

Class Letters

Reading at Scissett in Year 3.pdf Download
Y3 Autumn Newsletter Download
Y3 Spring Newsletter Download
Y3 Summer Newsletter Download
Parent Presentation Sept 2023 Download
Y3 School Trip April 2024 Download
Y3 Get Active Day June 2024 Download

Welcome to Fletcher Class

We are the class teachers, Mrs Whittle and Mrs Lodge. We love teaching Year 3. We are excited for an amazing year filled with lots of fun topics and learning opportunities. It will be a year of Egyptians, the Stone age and much much more! This year we have named our class after the Author Tom Fletcher. He has written some great books such as The ChristmaSaurus and The Danger Gang. In our class, we also have Miss Shiel. She is brilliant and will be on hand to support us in the class.Keep checking what we have been up to!



Fletcher Summer 2024

Year 3 Get Active Day

Year 3 had a great morning today at the Shelley Pyramid Year 3 Get Active Day. After an initial hiccup waiting for a replacement coach the children arrived just in time to start the activities. There were lots of sports for the children to try - tennis, cricket, handball, golf, rugby and archery. At the end of the morning there were lots of red faces from all the activities the children had enjoyed.
It's always great to join in with Shelley Pyramid sports events. The children get to meet lots of new friends from other schools and sometimes we even get chance to meet up with some of our old students.
Thank you, as always, to Shelley College, Mr Morris and all the young Sports Leaders for helping, guiding and assisting our children.

River Trip

Year 3 enjoyed a fantastic afternoon looking at what is living in the River Dearne with the help of the Eco parish and the River helpers. We discovered different creatures such as the Olive, Mayfly, Shrimp and Fish to name a few and then we used magnifying glasses to look closely at their features and characteristics. We also discussed biodiversity and pollution in water, then the creatures they find can show how polluted the water is. 

Topic Writing

Year 3 have begun their latest writing topic all about the story of Theseus and the Minotaur. Last week explored the plot and used drama to tell the story. We definitely discovered some future actors and actresses in our class.

Letter Writing

Over the last few weeks, Fletcher class have been learning about letters. We have written our own letters based around the book “The Gardener”.


Year 3 have been learning all about orienteering in our PE sessions this half term. We’ve had to interpret maps and find the correct routes.


Storytelling through Art

In Year 3 we are using Art to tell stories. We have focussed on the work of illustrator Quentin Blake. We’ve loved developing our ideas using in his style. Can you tell which Dahl story we are trying to tell?


School Trip - Manchester Museum

Year 3 have had a fantastic day visiting the Manchester museum. We loved exploring everything on show in the museum and even got to handle some real ancient Egyptian artefacts in our workshop.  The class were excellent representatives of our school! Mrs Lodge and Mrs Whittle were very proud of them.


Stone age
During our stone age topic, Year 3 created carvings out of soap of pictures, animals and other stone age related to the topic. Children found it a challenge and had to adapt their ideas. 
Year 3 - Science - How plants grow
Year 3 have loved learning about the process involved in growing plants. The children planted their own bean seeds, some of the children had fantastic results at the end of the experiment. 
We also investigated how nutrients are transported within the plant.
Children in Year 3 have been learning about the countries in Europe. To increase our knowledge children went on a fact hunt finding out answers to various European countries based questions. The children loved to go hunting!

Fletcher Spring 2024

Create and Design Day 13.03.2024 - Today Year 3 took part in an exciting project with the Royal Opera House.Using a design brief we designed and created our own set designs around the story of “The Magic Flute”


We learnt all about the role of a set designer and how to work at a smaller scale. We absolutely loved getting creative.

Year 3 zoomed straight into the Royal Opera house in Covent Garden for an online session all about Opera just before half term.  After half term we have an exciting projects all about set design… we can’t wait.


Year 3 have been exploring their new writing unit all about the story Stone Age Boy. Today we have been working on how we can create an exciting story opener using precise verbs and interesting vocabulary.


Fletcher Autumn 2023

Times Tables

Year 3 are working hard on their times tables this half term. For our homework we designed posters to help us to recall our facts! They looked great.

Fluency Projects

This week Year 3 have started a fluency project in our reading sessions. We have loved evaluating and supporting each other to make our reading better. Tomorrow we will perform our texts for each other.

Back to School

We are already getting through lots of work at Scissett even though we are only in Week 2.  Last week Fletcher class were busy representing and partitioning numbers in Maths and in English they have been exploring the poem 'The Sound Collector'.  They are now planning their own poems called 'The Colour collection' and have been exploring the school grounds finding different colours to inspire their work.  


Bills New Frock

Year 3 have had a great start to the year. They have been busy exploring the book “Bills New Frock” and have loved creating poetry and traditional tales so far. In Maths we have worked on place value, addition and subtraction. We have also done some preparation for a class assembly that we cannot wait to share with everyone.

Year 3 Art Lessons

Year 3 have been exploring textile artists in our art lessons. Over the last few weeks we’ve developed our own designs to paint onto fabric. Next we are going to add stitching for effect.

Class Letters

Reading at Scissett in Year 3.pdf Download
Y3 Autumn Newsletter Download
Y3 Spring Newsletter Download
Y3 Summer Newsletter Download
Parent Presentation Sept 2023 Download
Y3 School Trip April 2024 Download
Y3 Get Active Day June 2024 Download