"You learn about differences, cultures.  If we go somewhere new it is good to know something."  Year 4

"I like being with my friends"  "I learn to be kind to others"  Year 1


At Scissett CE Academy, we aim to provide a high quality PSHE education which will put in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships and providing essential understanding of how to be healthy. We strive for our PSHE teaching to support the wider work of our school in supporting children’s mental wellbeing and complement our Christian values of honesty, respect, love, koinonia, trust and kindness.

We understand that our PSHE curriculum is fundamental in supporting pupils to develop into happy, successful and resilient members of our current society both now and as they grow older. We aim to help children build their confidence and self-esteem, allowing them to develop positive relationships with our school and wider community. We also help children to learn to appreciate what it is to be a positive member of a diverse multicultural society as well as how to keep themselves safe.


We have a whole school approach to PSHE at Scissett CE Academy, as we believe pupils’ social and personal development is influenced by many aspects of school life. We deliver discrete PSHE lessons every week across the school but these are supplemented by circle times and additional lessons, as deemed necessary by the class teacher. Our PSHE curriculum is taught by the class teacher or our HLTA and Nurture leader, Mrs Martin, to ensure that the children are able to explore the content in an environment they feel safe and secure in.

For our curriculum planning, we use the Jigsaw scheme of work throughout the school. Jigsaw provides a structured programme of personal development to nurture the ‘whole child’ and increase learning capacity, underpinned by mindfulness philosophy and practice. The structure of the Jigsaw lessons ensures that pupils are familiar with the Jigsaw approach from their starting point in Reception and allows them to record their responses in their own individual books (Y1-5) or class books. Each class from Year 1 to Year 5 has a worry box in their classroom. This provides an opportunity for them to share any problems with the teacher in a less visible way. Worries are then read by the class teacher and are addressed in an appropriate way, whether this be a circle time or chat with a small group of pupils.

Below are the topics covered throughout the academic year. Each year group works on the same topic at the same time, at their level, consolidating and building on prior knowledge to develop their knowledge and understanding.

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Being Me In My World

Celebrating Differences

Healthy Me


Dreams and Goals

Changing Me


Each half term, there is also focused vocabulary which is shared with pupils. This is provided below if you wish to share these at home too.

Jigsaw Vocabulary Progression

A highlight of our PSHE curriculum is our annual We are Different, We are the Same week, where we learn about and celebrate different ways of life. Our class blogs show what different classes have experienced during this week.

We are Different, We are the Same

As part of We are Different, We are the Same week, Year 1 have been studying aboriginal art.  We learnt that aboriginal people pas stories down through generations through symbols and we recreated these to tell our own stories.  We also explored dot art and decorated some boomerangs - we had to think very carefully about the patterns we used!

We are Different, We are the Same

This Morning in Year 2 we have read the story Elmer. We have discussed how we are all different and how that is what makes us so special. The children worked so hard as a team to make Elmer oil pastel drawings. I am so proud of their team work, they have done an amazing job . Well done Year 2 an amazing end to an amazing half term. Miss Shaw is one very proud teacher! 



At Scissett CE Academy, we use the Jigsaw scheme of work. Designed as a whole-school approach, Jigsaw provides a detailed and comprehensive scheme of learning for ages 3-16. Jigsaw is a unique, spiral, progressive and effective scheme of work, aiming to prepare children for life, helping them really know and value who they truly are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world.

Jigsaw is designed to provide structured opportunities in every lesson to practise and enhance the five skills associated with emotional literacy, this includes; self-awareness, social skills, empathy, motivation and managing feelings. It is also fully compliant with the DfE Statutory Relationships & Health Education Guidance 2019.

Following the Jigsaw Curriculum enables children to practise mindfulness, through ‘Calm Me’ time and to reflect on what has been taught and discussed at the end of each lesson. Every child in Years 1 to 5 has a personal PSHE book to record their ideas and thoughts in lessons. In EYFS and Key Stage 1, this is supplemented by a class book. Regular monitoring is carried out by our PSHE co-ordinator through talking to children with their PSHE books to assess their understanding.



PSHE Progression Map


What PSHE looks like at Scissett

Year 1 - Celebrating Difference

This half term, our whole school PSHE theme is Celebrating Difference. To begin our topic, Year 1 thought about how people can be similar to each other but no two people are exactly the same. Archie and Kyran recognised they are similar because they both have freckles whilst Skylar and Anna are similar because they have the same hair colour. We love that we are not exactly the same as each other!


Year 1 - Road Safety Training

Year 1 had a great time when the Road Safety Team from Kirklees visited them to teach them all the good habits of learning how to stay safe when crossing the road.

Year 5 Road Safety Training

Year 5 had an enjoyable day learning all about Road Safety with the Street Feet Team from Kirklees. The course aims to reduce child pedestrian casualties and to improve their skills, knowledge, behaviour and hazard awareness Craig, Rachel and Lettie were fantastic tutors teaching Year 5 how to safely navigate our busy roads, using the Green Cross Code.  

Year 4 - Carry My Story Project

Year 4 are taking part in the Carry My Story project that involves over 30 schools in Kirklees. Children and students are linking with one another and with their communities to share stories and experiences in order to meet people they don’t already know and learn more about them. It is a way of celebrating the differences and similarities between us all and making new friends.