We decided to take our learning outside so we didn't burn the place down.
Michelle Bennett (mbennett) on: Henry Ford Autumn 2022
Having completed all our training to be Reading Partners, this week was the time we were able to put our work into practice! We met Reception for the first time and introduced ourselves to our partners. It was a great first session and Reception were so excited to meet the Year 5 children and share a story together. George P must have had good phonic training as he was helping his partner to sound out the words in the books (but monster might be a little advanced for Reception in week 3!)
Michelle Bennett (mbennett) on: Henry Ford Autumn 2022
Another opportunity for us to make a positive contribution to life at Scissett Academy. We have had our training as Reading Partners and are looking forward to teaming up with Reception Class to mentor them as reading partners.
We all love a good story and will enjoy revisiting some of our well-loved, classic stories. You are never too old for the Gruffalo!
Michelle Bennett (mbennett) on: Henry Ford Autumn 2022
One of the important roles Y5 have chance to do is that of Play Leader. Mr Davidson from our Pyramid Sports Partnership put us through our paces this week, teaching us how to organise and run games for younger children in school. The session was great fun, as it gave us the opportunity to devise our own game ideas!
Michelle Bennett (mbennett) on: Henry Ford Autumn 2022
Today we were modelling the orbital relationships between the sun, moon and Earth. Did you know that the orbit path is elliptical rather than circular? We were getting a little dizzy doing this...
Michelle Bennett (mbennett) on: Henry Ford Autumn 2022
Welcome to Class Henry Ford's blog. Here you will find updates about the interesting things happening in Y5.
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