Home School Learning

Please find below information to help in situations where a child or a whole class bubble has to isolate from school  



Routines and Expectations

If there is a whole school lockdown, or your bubble is closed, please read the following information.
If possible keeping your child in a routine is beneficial to every child. It will give your day structure, define work and rest time and help maintain work ethic.



We will be teaching the same curriculum as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. There may need to be some adaptations to this ie PE lessons where rugby may be taught in a group game; an exercise class may be substituted.



Weekly Coverage

On the class Google Drive, the teacher will publish a weekly timetable with the content of the week shared, defining morning and afternoon sessions. This will help you see the weekly overview of what is to be taught.


Daily Routine

Each day, the teacher, if well, will download a daily video and information about each of the daily sessions. This will be divided up into curricular areas. Most children will receive daily maths, English and topic work. The daily work will come from a sequence of learning, building on knowledge and skills.



Accompanying the lesson outline will be resources to match. These may include pre-recorded videos, or PowerPoints which help explain strategies and knowledge. If working alongside your child, stopping at key points to discuss the learning is advised, helping ensure the child understands and can ‘talk the learning back’.


No Online Access

We recognise that some people may not have suitable online access at home. Please contact school immediately if this is the case. We may be able to provide printed materials for you and we have looked at lending equipment if we have any available.



Tasks will be attached to each of the daily sessions. Some of these may be online, some may be to do on paper whilst others may be practical. We will try to ensure there is a mixture of these, as there would be in class. In some sessions there may be a choice of differentiated activities; choose the most appropriate for yourselves unless directed by the planning.



Dependent on the task, marking may take different forms. Sometimes answer sheets will be attached or released for self-marking. Sometimes marking will occur online whilst completing the task. Occasionally we will ask you to submit your work to the teacher. Each of these will give feedback. It will also provide information for the teacher allowing them chance to adapt and alter planning if needed.



If you are asked to send the work to the teacher, please use the instructions below. If you have any issues with this, please contact the school office for help.


Daily Drop Ins

If the teacher is well, a daily drop in has been timetabled for each class. This is a chance for the children and parents to discuss the work set for the day. It will allow feedback. A chance to clarify or ask questions and share concerns or triumphs. As this is a live event, please follow the E-safety policy and rules of live conferencing.


Weekly Phone Call

If your child is not in school for the whole week, either the class teacher or ETA will ring to speak to you and the child to ensure things are going well. This will allow 1:1 feedback and discussion.



Following the DFE guidelines, each day children should receive:-
KS1 Approx 3 hours a day
KS2 Approx 4 hours a day

If this was in school, this would include discussion time and practical reinforcement. If you are able to work with your child, you may want to build this into the session. We know the younger the child, the shorter they can sustain concentration so segmenting sessions will help children focus more. If you wish to supplement or adapt tasks to fit your child, please do.



Staff will be keeping a running record of all work completed and submitted. We will be strongly encouraging all parents and children to complete each piece of work set. This will ensure that each child is receiving the same provision and coverage, and when we return back together, will give all children the same reference points and starting point for the new set of work.



Please remember to build break times, rewards, praise and social time into your day. If we are at school, children receive regular playtimes to burn off energy, to give brains a break and to have fun.


If you finish early …

We realise children may work at different paces and that some children may complete tasks quicker than others. If you require extra work, please check in the extra tasks folder provided. You may also use some of the ongoing resources like TT Rockstars, you may want to build in some extra reading or PE, or you may want to build in a practical task like baking, finding real life shapes around your home, making a photo montage of a story sequence, or experimenting with the dripping speed of different liquids.


Additional Support for Pupils with particular needs

We recognise that same pupils, for example pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families and we will work with parents/carers to support those pupils by:-

• Offering differentiated tasks, scaffolds or resources;
• Providing more practical learning within the curriculum;
• Building in more time for short, repetitive work.

Please discuss with this with the class teacher/ETA in your daily drop ins and weekly phone call.


Well Being

Home School can be great fun but it can also be at times stressful for the child and the carer. Find working times that suit you, build in break times and rewards, remember to try and make things fun and practical. If you are struggling, please refer to the Safeguarding and Mental Health Section on the website.

Please do ring us at school if you need somebody to talk to.

Google classroom

UploadingafileintoGoogleDrive.pdf .pdf

Online Safety

Academy14EsafetyPolicy1219.pdf .pdf
AUP.pdf .pdf
ScissettRemotelearningcontingencyplan.pdf .pdf

 Purple Mash

Please find below a useful video explaining the Purple Mash parental portal  along with a number of How to Do guides

SharingworkParentGuide.pdf .pdf
Parentguidetoparentportal.pdf .pdf
Managingworkparentguide.pdf .pdf
2emailparentguide.pdf .pdf
15885434072DosParentGuide2.pdf .pdf