Sports Events

Get Active Morning - October 2024
Year 2 had a great time this morning at Shelley college. They enjoyed learning new sports and playing games with their friends. The children behaved amazingly and I couldn't be prouder. Well done Year 2! 


World Mental Health Day - October 2024

Today is World Mental Health Day. Year 2 and Year 3 have enjoyed taking part in some yoga and meditation in PE. We discussed how important exercise can be when looking after our mental health. The children were lovely and calm and really concentrated on the different poses. Well done Year 2 and 3. Miss Shaw is very impressed.


EYFS and KS1 Cross Country Event - Autumn 2024

Well done to our fantastic younger cross-country runners! This week, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children took to the Shelley College course and we are so impressed by their amazing running skills - one of our Year 2 boys even came away with a second place medal. Well done team Scissett!


Cross Country Event - Autumn 2024

We would like to say a HUGE congratulations to our KS2 cross country participants! Everyone ran brilliantly and showed just how amazing Scissett stars are - a special mention to Maisie for overtaking the Shelley College guide to win her race! We have come away with four medals and can't wait to send some of our children to the next round. 
Thank you to the Shelley Partnership team for hosting the event, it was lovely to have our former pupils Eloise, Maisie and Eden supporting our newest racers too. 


Scissett Champions - Summer 2024

We were thrilled to hear that some of our Year 5 boys have been involved in a major football tournament outside of school ... and they have won!  Playing for Shelley Football Club, six of our Year 5 boys took part in the Huddersfield and District Junior Football League tournament and they triumphed, walking away with the winner's trophy for the Under 10 division.  Well done team!

Year 4 Get Active Day - Summer 2024

On Tuesday, Year 4 went to Shelley College to take part in their get active morning as part of healthy week! The children took part in all sorts of activities such as hockey, cheerleading, boxercise and tennis. Year 4 absolutely loved it and represented our school wonderfully! 


Year 2 and 3 Orienteering (Summer 2024)

Year 2 and Year 3 have been exploring our outdoor area this half term and developing orienteering skills to get themselves around. The children are learning from Viv Barraclough, an esteemed orienteering leader, and they have understood how to follow maps by reading a key and ensuring they are using the correct equipment. We wonder where they will navigate to next?

Year 3 Get Active Day - Summer 2024

Year 3 had a great morning today at the Shelley Pyramid Year 3 Get Active Day. After an initial hiccup waiting for a replacement coach the children arrived just in time to start the activities. There were lots of sports for the children to try - tennis, cricket, handball, golf, rugby and archery. At the end of the morning there were lots of red faces from all the activities the children had enjoyed.
It's always great to join in with Shelley Pyramid sports events. The children get to meet lots of new friends from other schools and sometimes we even get chance to meet up with some of our old students.
Thank you, as always, to Shelley College, Mr Morris and all the young Sports Leaders for helping, guiding and assisting our children.


Hi 5 Netball Tournament - Summer 2024

Well done to all our children who recently took part in the Shelley Pyramid Hi 5 Netball tournament. We had lots of children who wanted to be part of the Scissett Squad. Well done to you all, we hope you had a great time.



Year 1 Multiskills Visit (Spring 2024)

Year 1 loved visiting Shelley College with the other pyramid first schools. They were able to experience lots of activities with their peers and they were great ambassadors for our school.


Forest School - Spring 2024

In Forest School, Year 1 and Reception have loved taking part in a wide range of activities. We have made bird feeders to place around our outdoor area and we have loved watching the birds visit outside our windows. We also had a lot of fun exploring puddles when it rained. Year 1 thought about why it was important that we have rain and exploring how it can change the outdoor environment. Lastly, we have had a great time linking our science topic of the body to our Forest School learning. We went on a sense hunt around the school to see what we could see, hear, touch and feel.


Spring into Football - Spring 2024

Our extra-curricular sport this half term has certainly kept us busy. First up we had the KS2 Girls’ Football event. The girls played brilliantly, showing great sportsmanship and scoring some brilliant goals to place 6th out of 14 pyramid schools – watch out Lionesses!

Next, we had the Year 4 football tournament. Miss Shaw was really proud of the team, especially as we had a mixture of Year 3 and Year 4 children in our squad. They finished in a fantastic 3rd place showing that we really are ones to watch. We finished with a Year 5 tournament, which again highlighted our footballing strengths. From great goalies to super strikers, our team took on the different positions brilliantly to finish in 6th place, before most headed off to a second football session of the evening.


West Yorkshire Cross Country Final - Spring 2024

Sport doesn’t just happen inside the building at Scissett.  We are proud to have award-winning swimmers and dancers throughout the school, amongst others.  Don’t forget to send in your medals and photos or sport outside school – Miss Goodall loves to see what you are inspired to do.


Gymnastics with Utopia Active (Autumn 2023)

Year 2 and 3 were fortunate to work with Mia from Utopia Active to develop their gymnastics skills. Mia taught the children a range of rolls, jumps and balances and introduced the children to incorporating apparatus into their gymnastics work. They were also able to develop short routines within their lessons before performing these to others.


Whole School Quad Kids (Autumn 2023)

We were lucky to have Mr Morris and Mr Killock from the Shelley Pyramid come to work with all classes and assess their athletics skills. Everyone had a long jump, high jump and run recorded as part of the Quad Kids assessment. This gives the children a great starting point to try and beat as the year goes on – hopefully their next annual assessment shows the improvements they have made!


Year 1 Multi-Skills (Autumn 2023)

Our PE year has started with multi-skills in Year 1.  We have been exploring the fundamental movement skills of running, throwing and catching in our lessons.  The children have also been developing their social and teamwork skills through PE.


KS1 and KS2 Cross Country events (Autumn 2023)

We have had a fantastic and very busy start to the year with our sporting events. On Tuesday 26th September, Shelley College hosted the KS1 and EYFS cross-country races and we were thrilled to have over 20 children attend. Our youngest children really set a high standard for our school and this was matched by KS2 on Thursday 28th September. For the first time, we had six children qualify for the next stage at Newsome Academy on Monday 2nd October. Despite the drizzle, our six Scissett Stars raced brilliantly, all finishing within the top 15 of their races – another first for us! We also had three top five finishers in Maisie, Betsy and Henry, all of whom will progress to the Kirklees final. We really are so proud of all the children for taking part in the cross-country events and wish our Kirklees finalists the best of luck.


Cross Country Event - Summer 2023

We have another sports star in the making!! This young lady only went and won the Year 1 Cross Country Event at Shelley College on Tuesday night. She was the first Year 1 child to finish across the whole Shelley Pyramid of 12 first schools.

Cross Country Event - Summer 2023

Children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 were invited to the Shelley Pyramid Cross Country Event at Shelley College after school.  Well done to everyone who took part but a special well done to one young man who came first in his year group across the whole Shelley Pyramid of 12 schools.

Cross Country Final - Spring 2023

Well done to a special young man in Year 4 who represented the school recently at the West Yorkshire School Games Cross Country finals at Leeds.

Year 1 Multi-Skills at Shelley College - Spring 2023

Year 1 had a fantastic visit to Shelley College for the annual multi-skills festival with the other first schools. The children worked on a range of skills from throwing and catching to moving like different animals. Macey said “it’s so fun I want to do it again”.


We are very grateful to the French Rugby League coaches for donating these rugby balls to our school. They have been so helpful in developing our tag rugby skills - here are some photos of Gandhi class putting them to good use!