Sports Premium Funding


At Scissett CE Academy, we are greatly committed to increasing the profile of PE and sport within our school. Since 2016, the Government have greatly increased their spending on PE and sport in primary school. Each school is allocated sports premium funding based on the number of children in years 1 to 6. 
The Government have also outlined five Key Indicators which schools should use to demonstrate the improvements they are making for current and future pupils. These are:

Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school

Key indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport

 Please see the links to view further details of our funding and expenditure.



 2020-2021 Expenditure                Download
 2021-2022 Proposed PE Expenditure   Download
 2022-2023 Proposed PE Expenditure   Download
 2023-2024 Proposed PE Expenditure   Download
 2023-2024 PE Expenditure   Download
 Evidencing the Impact - July 2024   Download
 Evidencing the Impact - July 2023   Download
 Evidencing the Impact - July 2022   Download
 Evidencing the Impact - July 2021   Download
 Evidencing the Impact - January 2020   Download
 Evidencing the Impact - 2020    Download
 PE Overview 2022 Update   Download

Sports Premium Funding


At Scissett CE Academy, we are greatly committed to increasing the profile of PE and sport within our school. Since 2016, the Government have greatly increased their spending on PE and sport in primary school. Each school is allocated sports premium funding based on the number of children in years 1 to 6. 
The Government have also outlined five Key Indicators which schools should use to demonstrate the improvements they are making for current and future pupils. These are:

Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school

Key indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport

 Please see the links to view further details of our funding and expenditure.



 2020-2021 Expenditure                Download
 2021-2022 Proposed PE Expenditure   Download
 2022-2023 Proposed PE Expenditure   Download
 2023-2024 Proposed PE Expenditure   Download
 2023-2024 PE Expenditure   Download
 Evidencing the Impact - July 2024   Download
 Evidencing the Impact - July 2023   Download
 Evidencing the Impact - July 2022   Download
 Evidencing the Impact - July 2021   Download
 Evidencing the Impact - January 2020   Download
 Evidencing the Impact - 2020    Download
 PE Overview 2022 Update   Download