Welcome to Donaldson Class

Teacher: Miss Goodall

Welcome to Donaldson Class! We are the Year 1 class at Scissett CE Academy. Our teacher is Miss Goodall and she loves teaching in Key Stage 1 – Year 1 is by far her favourite year to teach as the children make so much progress over the year. Mrs Martin, Mrs McGregor, Mrs Boulby and Mrs Glen also work in our classroom over the week and they are amazing at helping us to reach our potential!

In Year 1, we work hard to build on the skills that we have learnt last year in Reception, with a greater emphasis on independence. Though we have a more structured daily routine, access to continuous provision and our outdoor area is incorporated into our weekly timetable. We have lots of exciting topics this year, from the Great Fire of London to Terrific Transport.

This year, we are named after the author Julia Donaldson. We LOVE reading her stories and make sure we do so as often as possible. From The Gruffalo to The Smeds and Smoos, Julia Donaldson always makes us smile through reading.

We can’t wait to show you what we learn over the year – keep checking back to stay up to date with our Year 1 journey! If you would like to find out more about Phonics in Year 1, please see our Phonics page.


Y1 2023 Autumn Newsletter Download
Y1 2024 Spring Newsletter Download
Y1 2024 Summer Newsletter Download
Parent Presentation - Sept 2023 Download
ELS Parent Presentation - Scissett 2023 Download
Help Your Child to Read Download
Parent Guide to Reading Record Comments Download
Parents meet Reading At Scissett.pdf Download
VIPERS for Reading Year 1 Download
Y1 Phonics Check Download
Y1 Phonics Check - Grapheme Sheet Phase 2 Download
Y1 Phonics Check - Grapheme Sheet Phase 3 Download
Y1 Phonics Check - Grapheme Sheet Phase 5 Download
Y1 Phonics Check - Home Learning Resources Download


Donaldson Summer 2024

Healthy Week - Summer 2024
As part of Health Week, our whole school joined Picture News live assembly with British Paralympian Stef Reid. Year 1 loved learning about her achievements as well as the Paralympics which will be happening in Paris later this month. Picture News are also hoping this will be the largest ever online assembly - we are excited to be making history by being a part of it!

School Trip - Sheffield Botanical Gardens 

Year 1 had a wonderful visit to Sheffield Botanical Gardens. They spent the whole day outside searching for different types of habitats for plants as well as key features of the gardens during botanical bingo. Our guide Laura was so helpful and she taught us lots. We especially enjoyed finding the 'bear' in the bear pit!

Donaldson Spring 2024

Multiskills in Year 1

Our PE year has started with multi-skills in Year 1. We have been exploring the fundamental movements skills of running, throwing and catching in our lessons. The children have also been developing their social and teamwork skills through PE.


Road Safety Training

Year 1 had a great time when the Road Safety Team from Kirklees visited them to teach them all the good habits of learning how to stay safe when crossing the road.

Donaldson Autumn 2023

A Fab Start to Maths in Year 1

The transition from Reception to Year 1 is a big one but the children have really taken it in their stride. Miss Goodall has been particularly impressed at how the children have focussed in their maths lessons where we have been focussing on place value. They have used concrete resources and pictorial representations to help their learning which is the best foundation to build on! When working with the inequality symbols, Hallie explained “the bigger the side, the bigger the number” which is a great way to think of it. What a fab start to Key Stage 1!


Spiral Art

In Art, Year 1 have started the year by exploring spirals. This topic has allowed us to consider how we can use our whole bodies for drawing, not just our hands. The children have also explored the mediums of charcoal, chalk and oil pastels to see the effectiveness of different media when creating artwork. Cairo enjoyed working with the charcoal whilst Skylar loved blending the oil pastels together to make her snail.

We are Different, We are the Same 

As part of We are Different, We are the Same week, Year 1 have been studying aboriginal art. We learnt that aboriginal people pass stories down through generations through symbols and we recreated these to tell our own stories. We also explored dot art and decorated some boomerangs - we had to think very carefully about the patterns we used!

Celebrating Difference

This half term, our whole school PSHE theme is Celebrating Difference. To begin our topic, Year 1 thought about how people can be similar to each other but no two people are exactly the same. Archie and Kyran recognised they are similar because they both have freckles whilst Skylar and Anna are similar because they have the same hair colour. We love that we are not exactly the same as each other!

Maths Investigation

This week, Donaldson class have been working hard on using the addition and subtraction skills they have learnt this half term by completing investigations. They were able to challenge themselves with open-ended questions to see how many possibilities they could come up with. Archie told us “it’s so interesting finding all the answers” and the class agreed!

Vashti Harrison Virtual Author Visit

Year 1 love reading and were recently able to take part in a live virtual author visit with Vashti Harrison. Vashti has written many different books and we will be studying her book “Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History” later this year. Year 1 were amazed that we were able to be on a live call with Vashti as she was at the Miami Book Fair – all the way in America!!