Hello and welcome to our class! Our teacher is Miss Mannifield and we will also be joined by Mrs Brook. Our class is a safe, positive environment for learning and growth. As a class, we wrote the 5 most valued things we believe we should be as a class:
1. To be a positive role model in and out of the classroom.
2. Everyone is human so don’t treat them differently.
3. Respect, listen and include other people.
4. Treat people how you want to be treated.
5. Have an ‘I can, I will’ attitude.
As the oldest children in the school, we will take on lots of extra responsibilities in and out of the classroom such as hall monitors, playleaders, collective worship set up, charity and helping staff around school with as much as we can!
Our classroom is a bright, calm and relaxing environment where we showcase all that we love about learning from reading to History to Spiritual spaces!
We hope to have a fantastic year together and keep you up to date with our adventures through learning!
In Science, year 5 have been looking at reversible and irreversible changes. To show an irreversible change, the children produced a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to create a new substance that then created a reaction when we put it into a small container with a cork in it! Super work year 5!
This half term, year 5 have been learning all about Victorian Britain and how it has influenced our local area. Following on from our lesson about life for children in Victorian Britain, we discussed the different jobs that were popular in the 19th century and how they continued into modern times. They had a special visit from Miss Mannifield's dad, who used to be a coal miner, and the children asked plenty of interesting questions. We researched about our history using the Denby Dale and Kirkburton archives and found some really interesting comparisons. Brilliant work year 5!
To start Week 4 of Spring Term, our happiness ambassadors surprised us by running their own joke competition for our class! We are so lucky to have such thoughtful and creative children who have organised this in their own time, just to put a smile on our faces.
I can't wait to hear these jokes!
In computing, Year 5 have been looking at programming microbits. We have discussed the features of the microbit and the different algorithms you can create featuring inputs, outputs and variables. The children have created name badges, mini micro pets and step counters!
KS2 started their Spring PE lessons with a Boxercise Session on Tuesday which was kindly led by Mr Morris from Shelley College and Mr Morelli from Scissett Middle School. Year 3, 4 and 5 had a great time learning a new skill.
Mr Morelli visited Year 5 today to run playleader training for the class. The children have been great role models to the younger pupils already and are very much looking forward to taking on their new job in school.
Today, Year 5 have learnt about Athenian and Spartan culture, customs and beliefs. They then had to prepare a balanced argument in groups ready for a whole class debate. Miss Mannifield was impressed with their debating and discussion skills as well as their maturity.
Today, the children have learnt about how the rotation of the Earth creates day and night. We looked specifically at different time zones across the world (UTC), researching this in pars and comparing our findings together as a class. We also developed our thinking skills by discussing big questions like: What would life look like on other planets and what would you need to survive?
This week year 5 have learnt all about our class scientist Katherine Johnson. We read the book 'Counting on Katherine' all about the struggles she faced and her achievements despite all of that. The children researched information about Johnson's life and wrote a beautiful first writing piece in their English books. We also liked how the book explained the trajectory of space flights so we decided to give it a go ourselves with some paper airplanes! The children thought about the Maths needed for the angle to take off and the amount of force needed to get their 'rockets' from Earth to the Moon - Just like Katherine Johnson had to do all those years ago. Brilliant work from Year 5 this week!
This week, Year 5 are looking at Roman Numerals. To help us understand the values, we played connect 4 with our very own Roman Numeral dice! The children had to not only read and understand the numeral, but also think strategically to block their opponents. We also worked out dates in years for Miss Mannifield's bonus challenge. Brilliant work in the first week back!