We are the Year 4 class at Scissett CE Academy. Our teacher is Mr Codling and we also have the brilliant Miss Shiel and Miss Gelder to help us out. In Year 4, we are working on our independence skills and responsibility as we head towards our last year in school (this may mean extra responsibilities around school as well!). We are so excited for the brilliant year ahead filled with lots of learning and fun. This year will include learning about countries of the world, Vikings, sound and so much more! Keep checking on what we have been up to!
The Pillars of Islam
In RE, Year 4 have been researching the 5 pillars of Islam as part of their "What does it mean to be a Muslim in the U.K. today?" Great fact finding and some super non-chronological reports - well done!
Creative Writing
In Year 4 Edison class, we have been looking at how to write effective sentences for a narrative story. We have been looking at the Disney story Feast, where the children enjoyed breaking the story down into different plot points. The children have worked hard on their creative writing for the story and have produced some fantastic writing, in preparation for writing their narrative story for Feast. The children delved deep into the main character Winston, to write about his feelings, friendship, and change. The children have created their own main character and made their stories their own, whilst writing about some of the main events from the story.
In geography the children have shown a great interest in learning about volcanoes. The children have enjoyed learning about mountains, tectonic plates, and how volcanoes are formed. The children have used their knowledge and understanding of volcanoes to write informative sentences about volcanoes and tectonic plates. To support their writing in geography the children have drawn diagrams to show the formation of mountains and volcanoes.
French Celebrations
The children have been developing their language skills in French where we have explored the French celebration Epiphany. The children enjoyed learning about the celebration and how it is celebrated in France. Alongside this the children have learnt new vocabulary in French to introduce their family members by using nouns, age, and names.
Bright Sparks...
As we are called Edison Class, it is appropriate that our science learning is about circuits and conductors. This involves lots of practical, hands-on science and is proving to be very exciting! We made a giant circuit that went all the way around the class so that we could observe that the electricity flowed all the way around the circuit. This was a really LONG piece of wire!
Circuit Breakers...
We had to copy circuit diagrams and build them to see if they were complete circuits. We predicted if the lamp would light or not and then we tested it out. We had lots of fun in this lesson!
We love reading!
Our class novel this half term is One Thousand Nights and One Night, the traditional tales of Shaharazade. We love this book because it is action packed and is filled with the beautiful art work of Jan Pienkowski. The book does have some scary parts - not all traditional tale characters 'live happily ever after' that's for sure!
Here are some of our thoughts...
"I think this story is gruesome when the robbers got Kasim and chopped him into four quarters." - William
"I think this story is a bit scary because the robbers kill Kasim and I think I like this story because Morgiana always outsmarts the robbers." - Layla
"I like this story because it's scary and I love scary stories a lot. It's amazing." - Lola
Zephaniah (Year 4) - Archive News 2023-2024
Class Letters