Welcome to David Attenborough Class


Teacher: Miss James

Hello, my name is Miss James and I am the class teacher in Reception. Mrs Bray works with me in Reception every day and she is fantastic! Our initial aim is to welcome the children into school by creating a fun, safe and stimulating environment which initially involves lots of creative play based learning both indoors and outside. We spend a lot of time getting to know the children and endeavour to build good relationships with each and every one of them.

We are named after the famous natural historian David Attenborough. Sir David Attenborough has presented many documentaries on the BBC about natural history including the Blue Planet, Life on Earth and Green planet. In Reception class this is something we love to learn about through our topics of Families and living things and under the sea. We also take our learning outdoors in our Forest School sessions where we explore and get up close and personal with nature and just like Attenborough, start to learn how animals and minibeasts survive and how humans impact the world of animals.

A little bit about how we learn in Reception:

Throughout the Reception school year we like to have lots of fun and really enjoy our learning, therefore your child will enjoy an active and rich curriculum.

We aim to build the foundations and prepare children for the rest of their time at Scissett CE Academy and beyond. Our main focuses for this school year is to develop high quality phonics and being able to read is the most important skill children will learn. In achieving this we will send home key words and a reading book along with a reading record diary for you to comment in about your child's progress enabling us to continue the learning journey together.

Within the ‘Foundation Curriculum’ there are seven areas of learning these are:-

  • Communication and Language 
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy 
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World 
  • Expressive Arts and Design

On-going assessment in these areas through observation and set activities, ensure we are meeting and extending the learning opportunities for your child.


Learning links:

Here are some website links to help with your child’s phonics and maths skills.

Phoneme Pop!

A brilliant and motivating way to embed the letter sounds that we are learning.



Phonics Play-interactive games

This site is split in to the different phases that we teach the children as they learn to read. You will know where your child is up to from the words they are sent home with.



Ceebeebies Alphablocks

We are using the alphablocks to help the children learn letter sounds and to understand how to read and spell words using letter sounds.



Phonics Play - Pick a picture

Use the phase 2 sets 1-5 option to allow the children to practice reading tricky words.



100 Splat Square

The children love counting on this number square.



Top marks maths games

Interactive games to help children count and recognise numbers





For pupils to use efficient mental calculation strategies to add and substract two-digit numbers, so that they can leave counting on their fingers behind.


David Attenborough Class - Spring 2025


Reception class have been enjoying their topic of Dinosaurs, completing learning and play activities in the provision guided by their own interests. These have been in both the indoor and outdoor provision and have included…

Building and labelling a dinosaur obstacle course concentrating on positional and directional language - under, over, through, above, below, across, alongside, up, down, balance, behind, in front, between, forwards, backwards, next to and on…

Developing communication skills around play scenarios in the small world indoors and outdoors…

Using our imaginations to produce skeleton artwork and develop creative play in ‘dinosaur dig’.

Maths: exploring 6,7,8 

We have been exploring the composition of 6,7 and 8 and comparing the different amounts. Our task was to sort the number of objects on the pictures into the correct number circle. We then discussed which amount had the most and least to support developing our mathematical language. 


Exploring what fossils are… 

After learning about the historical figure of Mary Anning the children have been exploring their own ammonite fossils through different tasks in the provision such as, observational drawings, rubbings, sentence writing, using non-fiction books for fact finding and printing in play dough. 



David Attenborough Class - Autumn 2024

Learning in the Snow

Reception have had an icy fun week exploring the processes of freezing and melting and wasn't it great that even the weather decided to follow our curriculum! Lots of practical investigations and hands-on experiences while understanding the effects of the natural world around us.


Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Attenborough class have been enjoying lots of different activities in the provision based around our story this week - Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We’ve still yet to find Goldilocks, but having made some WANTED! posters, representations of bears and finding out who likes/ dislikes porridge, we are hoping she will appear…!

New Routines!

As the newbies in school we have been getting very busy settling into our new classroom, learning lots of rules and routines. There have been many activities and play opportunities to explore in the different provision areas both inside and in the outdoors. Who would know we’ve only had just over one full week in school!

Miss James is very proud of all the children for a super start at Scissett CE Academy. 

Our first PE lesson!

Today in reception we had our first PE lesson. We all just about managed to get ourselves changed and learned how to smartly line our shoes up in the hall. We explored moving in lots of different ways, following a set of instructions. What super listening!